Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Exquisite Corps

Above are my first three takes on the assignment of collages plans together. I'm a very literal/practical thinker, though I like to think that I'm very abstract, this studio is starting to prove me otherwise. But from my way of thinking I was trying to create practical spaces and spaces that would work for something. I was not thinking what the program of each space would be, but I was thinking about space, and potential rooms. So after crit, I went back to studio and started again, trying to be more abstract. Below are my next three takes at this assignment.

So to try and be more abstract and not think about spaces in my second attempt at these, I cut the floors plans into strips shuffled them up and then just spread them out and that was that for the first one. For the second, I just randomly cut the places into pieces and messed them together trying to connect at least one side from piece to piece. Then finally, the plans were cut into strips but of different widths and lengths, then put together however I picked up the pieces. I certainly think these three work better for the assignment but could still be more towards the "worse" of a solution. But let's see if I can make them into the "better" of a solution. 
Next step.... look at these plans in section. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

CRITical Comments

So after crit on Wednesday, I feel as though it went rather well. Though there are always the general "next step" comments as I call them. What one could do to push the project a little further. For me personally, what I was told was to break my boxes out of the footprint. So to stagger them more both in plan and section as it was like a "pancake". The other thought by the guest critic Samantha was to keep the idea I had of moving the stairs from interior to exterior and execute that more. So to make the connection of my different blocks with stairs that to are on the outside, and a lot of them!

Samantha also commented on my axon drawing, which I was very pleased to hear because that drawing took a lot of time! And I had to make sure I had ALL the lines this time. Also the wire drawing was rather difficult to take a picture of, but you can kind of get the image of it here. Looks much better in person.